Best practices

Looking for best practices and/or tools to better communicate and collaborate with your team? Explore these articles to get all the elements you need to achieve your goals.

Tackling the Risks of Hybrid Work

Tackling the Risks of Hybrid Work

Temps de lecture : 5 mn

Fatigue, stress, burnout, musculoskeletal disorders... Hybrid work exposes employees to numerous psychosocial risks (PSR) that directly impact their quality of life at work. Tackling these various risks requires companies to be proactive and implement a series of...

Hybrid Work: Definition and Challenges

Hybrid Work: Definition and Challenges

Temps de lecture : 5 mn

Roughly three quarters of French employees say they would like to adopt a hybrid work method. Such is the conclusion of this Adecco Group study published in June 2020. Although it has already been around for several years, hybrid work (i.e. the combination of office...

Talkspirit, best alternative to Slack?

Talkspirit, best alternative to Slack?

Temps de lecture : 4 mn

"Talkspirit: the collaborative tool made in France, which has nothing to be envious of Slack." This is often how our solution is presented.  So let's take this opportunity to look at the specifics of these two collaboration tools. What are the specificities of...

How to Develop Collaborative Work in Companies?

How to Develop Collaborative Work in Companies?

Temps de lecture : 3 mn

If there's one subject that's been much talked about in recent years in terms of work methods, it's collaborative work. Yet concrete implementation often remains unclear. It's not easy to know where to start and identify and prioritize the actions needing to be...

How to Choose the Right Collaborative Tool?

How to Choose the Right Collaborative Tool?

Temps de lecture : 3 mn

Collaborative work is "trendy." Riding this wave, many platforms have appeared in recent years. In a short period of time, the range of tools has indeed become overwhelming—so much so that it's not always easy finding your way around and choosing the right...

5 advantages of collaborative work

5 advantages of collaborative work

Temps de lecture : 3 mn

According to L'Internaute, collaborative work is a way of working in which hierarchies vanish and where employees combine their creativity and skills in order to achieve a common goal. With the "culture of sharing" growing in companies, it is no coincidence that many...

Managers, Instill a Feedback Culture in your Team!

Managers, Instill a Feedback Culture in your Team!

Temps de lecture : 3 mn

Let's remember the essential: feedback refers to the comments we receive that measure the perception of our actions or words by our environment. We all know that feedback given in a useful, encouraging and positive way strengthens employees, makes them more...

Leading Change: A Necessity

Leading Change: A Necessity

Temps de lecture : 4 mn

No simple recipe exists for driving the digital transformation and installing the new work methods it requires. To lead this profound change, we must transform our communication and training. But we must first break out of the methods that are still so prevalent in...

Build community through communication

Build community through communication

Temps de lecture : 3 mn

All organizations and companies exist in an environment made up of internal and external stakeholders. On the inside, of course, there is management and teams of workers. On the outside, there are customers, suppliers, partners, government and media. No truly...

Define the uses associated with each tool and lead by example

Define the uses associated with each tool and lead by example

Temps de lecture : 2 mn

Of course, no one is waiting around for a collaborative platform to do what needs to be done. Therefore, it is the implementation of a collaborative platform or a corporate social network will undoubtedly collide with competing tools. The question regarding the use of...

20 use cases for your collaborative platform

20 use cases for your collaborative platform

Temps de lecture : 2 mn

Define the set of uses for your collaborative platform You have decided to launch a collaborative platform or a corporate social network in order to solve communication, circulation of information or collaboration problems… Or to guide your organization towards...

Defining a group architecture and a taxonomy

Defining a group architecture and a taxonomy

Temps de lecture : 2 mn

The launch of a collaborative platform in an organization will gradually lead to the creation of a large number of groups. These could include project groups, service groups, groups about professions or functions, thematic groups, etc. Quickly and naturally, your...

Lead by example

Lead by example

Temps de lecture : < 1

Practice what you preach to your colleagues with motivation. Why would they take the time and have the urge to do something you won’t do yourself? There’s an invisible marker for each user and for each organization in their transition to new forms of work. Shifting...

Successfully launch a group on an enterprise social network

Successfully launch a group on an enterprise social network

Temps de lecture : 3 mn

How to successfully launch your group according to its purpose and its audience? Below, we have listed methodological elements that you can use in order to successfully launch your groups on your collaborative platform. Read also : Top 12 best enterprise social...

Different types of groups on a collaborative platform

Different types of groups on a collaborative platform

Temps de lecture : 2 mn

Launching a collaborative platform or enterprise social network within your organization means sharing information in a new way. It’s a move away from mainly disseminating information personally – via email for example, or via intranet when done for the entire company...

Shape a vision, give meaning to the project

Shape a vision, give meaning to the project

Temps de lecture : 2 mn

Launching a collaborative platform is neither a project objective nor an end in itself. It is a means of facilitating a transition and a transformation of work patterns to adapt to an increasingly complex environment. Thus, the choice of launching a collaborative...

5 tricks to set up your game with Talkspirit

5 tricks to set up your game with Talkspirit

Temps de lecture : 2 mn

The Talkspirit platform has a lot of tricks; there are actually quite some features that either go unnoticed or are simply interpreted the wrong way.  Whether you’ve been using Talkspirit for quite a while now, or whether you have just started, check out these 5...

Comment Places aux jeunes en région connecte les membres de son organisation avec Talkspirit

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