The Digital Workplace: The tool that Makes Teleworking as Easy as 1-2-3

Temps de lecture : 3 mn
L'équipe Talkspirit
L'équipe Talkspirit
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Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

If for some companies, teleworking has already become a common practice (especially in the context of the  COVID crisis), for the majority of them the challenge is still to be met. 

There are many tools that can help organizations in the development of work “from everywhere.” Among them, digital workplaces stand out for their ability to provide an adapted response to all the challenges of working both on site and remotely.

With a digital workplace, telecommuting is as easy as 1-2-3.

Also read: All about the Digital Workplace

Teleworking: a work model in full boom

As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, millions of workers around the world suddenly found themselves needing to telework. You might refer to it as “forced-to-stay-home” work, and in contexts sometimes very testing for some employees (no childcare, poor equipment, cramped space, etc.)

But far from being a repulsive experience, this generalized telework finally gives rise to a rather positive observation. Deployed overnight on a large scale, telework has asserted itself as a valid/possible alternative work model. 

And even if this unprecedented period of forced stay at home may have exacerbated the usual challenges of switching to teleworking (getting properly equipped, being able to isolate oneself in order to work serenely, changing coordination methods, avoiding social isolation, managing one’s work time in relation to one’s personal life, etc.), the experience seems to have been felt rather positively by employees.

According to a study published in March 2020 by the Malakoff Humanis group, 84% of employees would like to continue working remotely, at least occasionally.

Nevertheless, the practice of telecommuting, raises a number of challenges that the digital workplace helps solve.

Also read: Post COVID: What’s Next for Teleworking?

The Digital Workplace: Avoiding Teleworking Traps

Not all companies have the same appetite for digital tools. Teleworking raises many real questions, then, on the following topics:

1. Access to files

It’s of course essential that teleworkers be able to access their work documents from home or from their coworking space. 

To do this, folders need to be shared in a shared space in the cloud or on the enterprise network so employees can access them remotely without difficulty. 

The document storage and sharing capabilities inherent in the digital workplace meet this requirement. 

2. Data security

While employees must be able to access the data, this access must not pose an IT security risk to the company. The use of a VPN and strong authentication systems are therefore typically recommended, as is securing the data directly in the storage spaces. 

These are features offered by most digital workplaces solutions (Talkspirit, Jamespot…), well aware of the importance of cybersecurity today.

3. Social ties

Finally, telecommuting also presents a real risk of isolation and loneliness for employees working alone from home. They must then be able to stay in touch with their colleagues and managers and collaborate with them with ease. For this reason, a collaborative platform such as the “digital workplace” is the ideal way to keep in touch with your team, via instant messaging or videoconferencing.

Also read: Collaborative Tools: A New Way of Working

Working remotely: now simpler than ever before

At a time when some remote employees choose to go into exile to work on the other side of the world, taking advantage of the opportunity to become “digital nomads,” teleworking has more than ever become a way of working that must be taken into account. 

Digital workplaces offer a unified work environment regardless of where the connection is made (from home, a third location or coworking space, from the office or from one’s vacation location). In this respect, they’re companies’ best allies.

A digital workplace is in fact a truly personalized and mobile digital office that follows the employee on the move. Via this all-in-one collaborative platform, employees have access to all the business tools they need in just a few clicks, just like at the office.

In a word, the digital workplace is a must have for companies wishing to foster teleworking. Once a digital workplace is set up, the transition to teleworking is easier than ever.

Seeking to set up a digital workplace in your company? Talkspirit’s teams are available to present their solution, advise you and support you in your project. Contact us or schedule a demo.

Author: Paul Maubareyt

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