Internal communication

What are the main challenges of internal communication? What tools and best practices should be implemented to better share information and develop the commitment of your employees? These are the topics covered by those articles.

Top 7 Internal Communication KPIs

Top 7 Internal Communication KPIs

Temps de lecture : 10 mn

How do you evaluate and prove your internal communication's effectiveness? This is one of the questions that communications managers constantly ask themselves, and for a good reason: analyzing the return on investment (ROI) of an internal communication strategy helps...

How Two-Way Communication Can Foster Organizational Success

How Two-Way Communication Can Foster Organizational Success

Temps de lecture : 7 mn

Temps de lecture : 7 minutes The nature of traditional corporate structure means communication often flows in one direction. There is always a time and place for one-way communication in a professional setting. And it can have its benefits, helping managers and business owners share critical messages around the business and brand values.  But when it comes to engaging employees and […]

6 advantages of a unified communications platform

6 advantages of a unified communications platform

Temps de lecture : 6 mn

How can we work efficiently without clear communication? It's hard to imagine, when you know that communication is essential to effective business collaboration. Whether you work in an SME, a middle-market company, or a large corporation, you can't miss this...

How to set up a company intranet

How to set up a company intranet

Temps de lecture : 5 mn

Intranets are powerful social tools. They can empower better collaboration, knowledge management and sharing, and networking across your organization—whether your team works remotely, in the office, or a combination of both.  This can lead to serious benefits for your...

4 good reasons to use an extranet

4 good reasons to use an extranet

Temps de lecture : 4 mn

When you’re managing relationships with outside partners—whether that’s clients, suppliers, vendors, or other third-parties—you need the right tools to ensure that things stay organized and run smoothly. And one of those tools? An extranet. An extranet can offer an...

The 4 advantages of the intranet

The 4 advantages of the intranet

Temps de lecture : 4 mn

Social technologies are becoming increasingly popular in the business world. According to research from McKinsey, nearly three in four companies (72%) use it in some way within their organization. And one of the most effective tools in the “social technologies”...

5 essential tools for internal communication

5 essential tools for internal communication

Temps de lecture : 4 mn

Having an internal communication strategy in place is a must if you want to support effective communication and collaboration across your organization. And a key element of any successful internal communication strategy? Having the right tools in place. The right...

The 4 major challenges of internal communication

The 4 major challenges of internal communication

Temps de lecture : 5 mn

Improving internal communication within your organization can drive a variety of benefits, both for your team and your company as a whole, including increased productivity, clarity, and engagement. (For example, according to data from McKinsey, implementing social...

Internal Communication: Interactivity or Else!

Internal Communication: Interactivity or Else!

Temps de lecture : 6 mn

Since the emergence of the enterprise social network, the internal communication landscape has radically changed, and the classic intranet will likely be a thing of the past. Already, hundreds of organizations have made the leap. Others have held on to their existing...

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