All Clear: Ways to Improve Transparency in the Workplace

Joelly Kahono
Joelly Kahono
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Temps de lecture : 6 minutes

You remember it from elementary school: that “telephone game” where one child whispers a message to another child next to them, and on and on until the message has been passed around the room. Sometimes also called “Chinese whispers,” it’s the perfect example of a company whose communication has become muddled and lacking transparency. The end result? A pile of misunderstandings, paranoid or skeptical team members juggling contradictory information, and a slide in overall company performance. 📉

There’s a way to achieve clearer, more open communication to avoid this mess. Our secret: improving transparency in the workplace. And the benefits of this transparency don’t stop there! It also plays a role in talent retention. Discover 5 tips 🖐️ below to adopt transparent communication and avoid information chaos!

Tip #1: Integrate transparency into your business culture 

Integrating the notion of transparency into your enterprise culture is the first step towards achieving transparency in the workplace.

To start with, make sure everyone has the same understanding of your business’s culture and policies. Define clear policies around information sharing within your organization. Clarify the responsibilities of managers and employees.

For example, you can publish these rules in a publication that remains accessible to all. The Holaspirit tool features a “publish” function that facilitates the visual mapping of organizational processes and policies, promoting transparency in the workplace. It also offers a dynamic organization chart that provides a clearer view of roles and responsibilities. When in doubt, no need to ask for clarification! ☝️

transparency in the workplace
A Sample Holaspirit organization chart

Then you have to explain and justify your approach! “Is it really necessary to introduce a new way of communicating?” “Do we need to be transparent with all types of information?” You’ll certainly run into these questions, and to raise awareness among your employees, you’ll need to have THE answers!

To engage your teams in this new culture and dispel their doubts, you will need to:

  • demonstrate how developing transparency can actually improve the entire company’s performance
  • explain how to share information, who should do it, and what data should remain confidential
  • always, always welcome constructive ideas and feedback
  • encourage empowerment: show everyone that they all have their part to play in the company’s success

You’ll benefit from a solid business culture your teams will embrace, a culture that helps to improve the transparency of information within the company.

Tip #2: Communicate on the positive as well as the negative 

To make all the information circulates internally in a more transparent manner, you’ll need to review your internal communications. This doesn’t necessarily entail a complete overhaul. Our advice here is simple: change the tone and be more transparent! 

Information isn’t just for the few—it has to be shared by all. To improve transparency, your organization needs to ensure that every voice counts. For example, you can change the way you share information. Say adios to top-down meetings where managers monopolize the floor and are closed to discussion. These meetings are a far shout from transparency in the workplace… 😅

Instead, create a space where information flows freely—whether it’s positive or negative. That’s all your employees want and expect from you! Yep, sharing both good and bad news helps reinforce management’s credibility. It demonstrates your commitment to transparency, and it sets the example for fellow employees. 👏

Now you can optimize your internal communications with Talkspirit! This all-in-one platform comes with several features which you’ll discover below:

transparency in the workplace
Talkspirit home portal

Request your Talkspirit demo today

Tip #3: Bring managers on board

Transparency happens at every level! As the intermediaries between management and employees, managers have a key role to play in improving the transparency of the business’s information. They must set an example by adopting open communication and sharing feedback transparently.

Read also:  4 tips to involve managers in internal communication

You need to encourage managers to model the transparency you want to create. Provide them with specific training on the importance of transparency in leadership. Show them how their exemplarity can inspire and motivate employees to adopt similar practices.

Recognize and reward managers who embody the values of transparency. Your feedback is a source of motivation for other managers, and it will likely encourage them to follow suit. By placing managers at the heart of your internal communications strategy, you create a positive domino effect that spreads to all levels of the company, promoting transparency in the workplace. That’s a home run! ⚾

Watch Talkspirit CEO Philippe Pinault’s video to find out how to develop transparency within your organization!

Tip #4: Map your organization using a suitable solution

The great thing about the digital age we live in is all the tools available. And software that simplifies information sharing and encourages transparency in the workplace exists!

Self-management platforms provide the right spaces for employees to clarify their roles and responsibilities, share ideas and collaborate seamlessly. And there’s one that stands out from the rest: Holaspirit! This platform promotes transparency in the workplace with a multitude of modules. For example: 

  • The organization chart provides a transparent overview of the division of responsibilities within the organization. It answers the questions “who does what,” “why” and “with whom.”
transparency in the workplace
Example of a role in the Holaspirit dynamic organization chart
  • The OKR functionality (objective key result, based on a method of tracking objectives by key results) provides complete visibility of the company’s strategic objectives, as well as those of each team. As a result, each team member has full transparency over his or her contribution to achieving these objectives.

Of course, the question of security is crucial. So, choose a secure solution to protect your sensitive data! 

Holaspirit and Talkspirit are ISO 27001 certified! This certification guarantees the highest levels of security and confidentiality.

Tip 5: Measure your ROI

To know whether your efforts and those of your teams are effective: you have to gauge them—and always transparently. 😉

To get started, create a tracking chart. Set out clear objectives—such as with the OKR method—and progress of all your OKRs on a regular basis. Then, share them internally to demonstrate transparency.

Access to this information alone isn’t enough! Business transparency also means giving meaning to data. Draw up a detailed report on your company’s performance, and present it to your employees. In this way, your employees can assess for themselves the impact of your transparency approach.

Numbers speak for themselves—but so do your employees! They’re an additional resource for evaluating the ROI of a business transparency strategy. Don’t hesitate to ask them for feedback, even anonymously! Use this feedback to refine your approach and better identify the grey areas in your internal communications. In the end, you’ll have enough information to finetune your information-sharing strategy accordingly! 👍

A final word

So, there are our 5 tips for improving information transparency in the workplace. Now all you have to do is put these tips into practice to optimize your internal communications and start earning a return on your investment.

Again, the benefits of transparency go beyond what we’ve discussed thus far. This approach is also proving to be a fundamental pillar in forging strong relationships within your team.

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