5 tricks to set up your game with Talkspirit

Temps de lecture : 2 mn
L'équipe Talkspirit
L'équipe Talkspirit
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Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

The Talkspirit platform has a lot of tricks; there are actually quite some features that either go unnoticed or are simply interpreted the wrong way. 

Whether you’ve been using Talkspirit for quite a while now, or whether you have just started, check out these 5 tricks to become a true black-belt master.

1. Drafts

Drafts, a very simple yet often misunderstood feature that can offer a bunch of value if you know how to use it to your advantage. In Talkspirit, content that you write for a publication is always automatically saved in the background, up until the moment it is actually published. Whenever you’re in a rush, just lack the inspiration for the right words, or simply require approval before publishing your content, rest assured. Whenever the time is right, simply click on the small icon located on the very top right of any publication. From here, you can recover the content that wasn’t published before, even though abandoned it somewhere along the way.

2. Govern your personal newsfeed

Does your newsfeed sometimes display too much content than you’d ideally wish for? Or is the content sometimes irrelevant to you? If the answer to any of the above is ‘yes’, try tailoring your newsfeed in a way that makes the most sense to you. If you do not wish to see any content from a certain group, simply deactivate it. You do this by clicking on the settings icon in the top right corner of any group, where after you’ll deselect “display on my newsfeed”.

3. Labels

Labels are without a doubt the best way to effectively work together like a well-oiled machine. In terms of coordination, labels allow you to identify stages, assign tasks or indicate actions to be taken around a piece of content. Labels come in various different colours and can easily be created by clicking in the top right corner of any publication.

4. Default groups

If you’re fortunate enough to be the administrator of your platform, you’ll have the possibility to define default groups. What this means is that you’ll open a group that everyone will join by default – no questions asked. This is quite practical to ensure that everyone will get the message – whenever it’s important – and provides more structure for newcomers at the same time.

5. Commands

Whenever using Work Chat, try typing the “@” symbol in the chat bar; it will then open a list of options – better known as ‘commands’ or ‘bots’. With the click of a button, you can start a telephone conversation with your teammates, launch a videoconference with one or multiple people and even share your screen if you have to. Better yet, there’s even a possibility to integrate other tools such as Google Hangout or Zoom, by simply clicking on “connect apps”.

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Temps de lecture : 7 mn

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