7 Ways to Improve Company Culture and Retain Top Talent

Temps de lecture : 7 mn
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L'équipe Talkspirit
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Temps de lecture : 7 minutes

For any organization to thrive and retain top talent, it needs a company culture that’s thriving too. The significance of company culture is seen across every aspect of the workplace – and it shapes the attitudes and behaviors of employees. For example, statistics show that the number of hires and separations has decreased in the last two years. 

In March 2024, the hiring rate dropped to 3.5%, down from 4.4% in March 2022. Meanwhile, separations dropped from 4.1% to 3.3% during the same period. At first glance, these figures seem to align with the Great Resignation, which kicked off during the COVID-19 pandemic and began to wane in 2023. 

Also called the “Big Quit”, this period of mass resignation had a huge impact on the number of people voluntarily quitting their jobs in search of greener pastures. But if these hiring and separation statistics are anything to go by, employees are more settled in their current roles.

Could this be down to improvements in company culture since the shift of the global pandemic? It’s possible. The truth is that having a good company culture matters more than ever if we want to retain top talent. In this article, we’ll go through seven ways organizations can enhance their culture to keep hold of valuable and high-performing staff.

The number of hires and separations has decreased between 2022 and 2024
Number of hires and separations between 2022 and 2024 (Source: Statista)

Understanding company culture 

Company culture is essentially an organization’s personality. It includes its values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors. A company’s culture defines how employees approach their work and interact with one another. It’s not merely a buzzword, however, it has a huge role to play in organizational success and employee experience

It could be said that company culture is the foundation upon which all else is built. It sets the tone and influences motivation levels, productivity, and morale. When there’s a positive company culture, employees have a sense of belonging and purpose – and it shows in their output.

Company culture directly impacts employee retention. When employees ‘belong’ and feel as though they align with their organization’s mission and values, they are likely to stay committed. A toxic or negative culture, on the other hand, will lead to disengagement and loss of talent through a higher turnover. 

Improving company culture

Here are some ways in which companies can improve company culture to retain their talent and improve their overall success.

1. Assess current company culture and retention

Before setting out to improve company culture, it’s important to know where it stands currently. By understanding the current cultural norms and values, organizations can learn their areas of strength and weakness so they can target specific areas. 

One of the main reasons for doing this is to understand the impact of organizational culture on retention. Employee retention can be defined as the company’s ability to keep hold of its employees long-term. This is crucial to maintain a productive and stable workforce. Companies that are committed to this endeavor often have policies and programs aimed at reducing turnover.

To assess this effectively, organizations can use a range of methods. This includes surveys, interviews, and observations. Certain sectors may also gain valuable insight into employee performance and engagement by using tools like their call center metrics dashboard. This might uncover areas that can be enhanced for retention. 

Team cohesion helps improve company culture

2. Identify areas for improvement and implement changes

After assessing the current situation, organizations should be able to identify areas for improvement in their culture. They can then implement strategies to address any underlying issues. 

Common issues that may need to be addressed include:

  • Lack of communication: Ineffective communication can hinder results. It prevents adequate collaboration and creates misunderstandings. It can also create a sense of disconnect. 
  • Poor work-life balance: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for employee well-being and productivity. 
  • Lack of recognition: If employees feel unappreciated or undervalued they may become disengaged and look for new opportunities. 

Making changes to improve company culture needs careful planning and strong leadership. Leadership support is vital – once your leaders are on board, here are some things to consider.

3. Improve recruitment, onboarding, and orientation to improve company culture

Retention starts with recruiting the right candidates. So make sure you’re choosing the right people for the job. When they’re hired, you’re going to need to treat them well in order to keep them. A well-designed onboarding process can impact employee retention positively.

What’s more, when new hires enjoy effective orientation in the first couple of days and experience a comprehensive onboarding process in the first few months, it sets them up to succeed. 

This means getting things right from the very first day to make new hires feel valued and welcomed. Be organized and assess their comprehension and abilities as quickly as possible. 

Employees getting special onboarding to help improve company culture

4. Foster communication and collaboration 

Effective communication and collaboration will create a positive culture in the workplace. Whether this involves innovative text messaging solutions, enterprise social networks like Talkspirit or other communication tools, businesses need to focus on improving the quality of their communications. 

Building strong coworker relationships requires time and effort, and teams may require different approaches. Creating spaces to encourage chance encounters and unplanned interactions is a positive mood – the whole ‘water cooler effect’, as it were. Consider your office spaces and eating areas. If you’re a remote or hybrid organization, you can also create digital groups to facilitate these conversations virtually. And you know what? That’s exactly what you can do on Talkspirit!

Our all-in-one collaboration platform allows you to:

Organizations should also embrace the open sharing and recognition of success and challenges. By involving employees in conversations, you allow them to be a part of the broader culture and can leverage their diverse perspectives to find solutions. 

5. Improve company culture by prioritizing work-life balance

It’s a buzzword (or phrase) that’s been thrown around for a while now – and for good reason. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is paramount in fostering a positive company culture. When individuals achieve equilibrium between their professional responsibilities and their personal pursuits, they are more productive, have increased job satisfaction, and will stick around longer. 

Work-life balance is essential to reduce stress and prevent burnout. When organizations value this, they show their workforce that they respect, trust, and support them. 

Ideas for promoting a company culture where work-life balance is highly valued include:

  • Offering flexible work schedules
  • Offering opportunities to work remotely
  • Encouraging time off and using vacation days
  • Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life and encouraging employees to disconnect during non-working hours
  • Providing wellness resources
  • Regularly reviewing policies

6. Recognize and reward employees

A lack of recognition contributes to retention problems. Recognizing and rewarding employee contributions is, therefore, essential to improving company culture. Effective recognition programs serve to acknowledge employee efforts and reinforce positive behaviors. As such, employees feel that their hard work and dedication are appreciated and noticed. 

Here are some strategies:

  • Empower employees: give them the information, tools, and autonomy to do their job without micromanaging them. Self-management tools like Holaspirit are a great way to do just that.
  • Customize recognition: Recognize that employees may prefer to receive recognition in different ways. Whether it’s verbal praise in public or privately, written acknowledgments, or otherwise, find out what makes them tick.
  • Offer competitive compensation: Make sure what you’re offering your employees is competitive. They’re not going to stick around if they can find better elsewhere. Check salary trends for your industry and make sure you’re attracting top talent.

7. Provide growth opportunities

Another way to improve company culture is to offer growth opportunities. This helps employee satisfaction and retention. When employees see a clear path of progression, they are more likely to feel valued and invested in their job and the company. 

Here are some ideas that can be included:

  • Create training programs and workshops: Provide access to relevant training. This will help employees improve their performance and show that the company is committed to their professional development. 
  • Facilitate mentorships: Pair employees with mentors to guide, support, and advise them. These sorts of programs are valuable for skill development, career growth, and networking. 
  • Define clear succession and advancement paths: Provide visibility into potential promotional opportunities to motivate employees to invest in their own professional growth. 
someone drawing on a whiteboard for a training program

Final thoughts

A strong and positive company culture not only attracts top talent but retains it too. By prioritizing culture initiatives and investing in strategies to enhance organizational culture, companies can create a work environment where their employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated. 

Whether it’s through recognition or providing growth opportunities, every aspect of a company’s culture plays a part in shaping the employee experience. A positive work environment and culture create employees who feel appreciated, empowered, and motivated to excel. As such, the workforce as a whole thrives and is poised for long-term success. 

PS: if you’re looking for more tips to improve employee loyalty and reduce employee disengagement, then have a look at this white paper👇

Access the White Paper

In our white paper “How to Build Employee Loyalty and Prevent Quiet Quitting,” you’ll find: the origins of the quiet quitting phenomenon, the main causes of disengagement at work, and which levers to pull to improve talent retention and squelch quiet quitting.

Read more

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