How to Develop and Foster an Agile Workplace

Temps de lecture : 6 mn
Joelly Kahono
Joelly Kahono
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Temps de lecture : 6 minutes

The concept of agility in business refers to the ability to quickly adapt to change, innovate, and collaborate effectively. Achieving this can make all the difference in the world!

Ready to round the bend and transform your company into an agile workplace? Here you’ll find just what you need! To accomplish this, understanding how to develop this skill is essential.

In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of agility and the benefits it can bring to your organization. More importantly, we’ll share best practices and useful tips for companies looking to develop their agility and thrive in an agile workplace. Liftoff! 🚀

Understanding business agility


Business agility is an organizational strategy. ⚠️ Careful—don’t confuse it with the agile method, which represents a set of specific working practices in software development. Business agility enables you to remain competitive, flexible, and more responsive when opportunities present themselves. It’s the game changer that can seriously boost your performance!

Jonathan Chan, content creator and agility enthusiast, defines agility with this quote from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu:

“Life is a succession of natural changes. Don’t resist—this will only generate worries. Let reality be reality. Let things happen naturally.”

Adopting an agile approach is a whole philosophy! It means adopting new fundamental principles:  

Once the preserve of software development, agility has now spread to all departments! From project management to human resources, it’s omnipresent, but it also brings its share of challenges…


One of the major challenges when adopting agility in business is resistance to change. Many employees may be reluctant to abandon their usual ways of working for agility. To overcome this resistance, remember to involve all team members right from the start of the process. This starts with promoting transparent communication and the benefits of fostering an agile workplace. Then, support the change, with training in the new working methods.

The next challenge is usually to infuse agility right into the enterprise culture. This requires a change of mindset at all levels of the organization: from management to employees in the field. It may seem a daunting challenge, but there are ways of meeting it! Starting by encouraging a culture of collaboration and adaptability, it will already be easier to integrate agility into your corporate culture and agile workplace.

Finally, in an agile approach, there can be a tendency to keep one’s nose to the grindstone. Big mistake! Business agility is not a fixed process, but rather a continuous process of learning and improvement. Thus, it’s essential to regularly evaluate the agile practices in place and make any necessary adjustments.

The benefits of corporate agility

Adopting agility in business offers significant benefits that can contribute to organizational growth and success! What follows are just a few:

  • Market changes become opportunities! By adopting an agile approach, you’ll be able to adapt to market changes more easily. A considerable perk if you want to stay ahead of the competition and be the first to seize opportunities with high added value.
  • You develop an environment that’s conducive to innovative ideas and creativity. What better way to differentiate yourself in the marketplace than to develop innovative products and services? By encouraging collaboration, open communication, and experimentation, you can unleash your teams’ creative potential!
  • You manage problems better. With agility, you’re better able to cope with difficulties and periods of declining performance or uncertainty. The transparency and flexibility of agile teams facilitate collaborative problem-solving. With agile practices, you can turn obstacles into opportunities for progress, all the while boosting solidarity!
  • You get better customer satisfaction. If you can keep up with your customers’ needs and respond quickly, they’ll THANK YOU. ❤️ By focusing on agility, you can improve your support team’s responsiveness, demonstrate your reliability, and develop stronger long-term customer relationships.

Best practices for developing business agility

Define clear objectives

Before embarking on your agile adventure, take the time to define clear and precise objectives. What are you seeking? Better collaboration? Or better overall performance? Maybe better understanding of the competitive marketplace?

These goals must be aligned with the organization’s overall strategy and serve as a compass to guide your efforts. By having a clear vision of what you want to achieve, you’ll be able to direct your agile initiatives towards the desired results.

To set goals, we recommend the OKR method. Start by setting ambitious yet tangible and measurable goals for your team or organization. Break these down into key results and actions to achieve those goals. Involve the whole team in this process to foster commitment and create an agile workplace. Finally, use tools like Holaspirit to track and align your objectives throughout their achievement.

Find out how Holaspirit can help you implement the OKR method today! 🚀

Holaspirit for the article How to Develop and Foster an Agile Workplace

Train and raise team awareness

Agility is like a philosophy. To adopt it, you need to understand it, so some management effort will be required. Organize training sessions to explain the principles of agility and the benefits it can bring to the organization. To raise awareness, involve them in the process by encouraging discussion and feedback.

Adopt a collaborative platform

Agility relies on collaboration and effective communication between team members. To facilitate this crucial aspect, adopt a collaborative platform that will enable your teams to work together seamlessly and in sync. Whether for project management, document sharing or instant communication, a collaborative platform is the ideal medium for developing agility!

One platform in particular stands out for its all-in-one nature and high level of security: Talkspirit! To find out how Talkspirit can boost collaboration and agility within your company, request a demo below.

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Chat and video conferencing on Talkspirit

Implement collaborative practices

Encourage collaborative practices such as regular meetings and brainstorming sessions. There are also agile practices such as sprint reviews. These periodic meetings are specific to agile companies. During these meetings, agile teams present the features developed during the sprint and gather feedback from users and stakeholders to determine future adaptations.

Overall, create an environment where everyone has their place! A space where ideas are shared freely, where team members feel psychologically safe, and where decision-making is collective.

Encourage experimentation and collective intelligence

Encourage team members to step out of their comfort zone, test new ideas and share their learning with others. Stimulate creativity to create an environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities, and develop collective intelligence.

Set up KPIs to track

Finally, measure the effectiveness of your initiatives to develop business agility and adjust your strategy. To do this, you need to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) or key results to be achieved (if you use the OKR method). For example, you can track:

  • Project success rate: Track the percentage of projects completed on schedule. An increase in the project success rate may indicate a greater ability to adapt to change.
  • Project lifecycle: Measure the time it takes to complete a project from start to finish. A shorter duration may be a sign that your project team is working more efficiently thanks to your agile approach.
  • Customer satisfaction rate: Assess customer satisfaction with the products or services delivered. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) can help you achieve this. An increase in your customer’s satisfaction rate may indicate that agile practices are more effective in meeting customer needs.

A final word

You now have the keys to understanding why and how to create an agile workplace. By putting the advice shared in this article into practice, you’ll be able to improve your organization’s flexibility, productivity, responsiveness, and collaborative practices. 

Are you wishing to adopt an agile approach but don’t know what methodology and tools to adopt? Contact our team for personalized support:

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